Friday, May 28, 2010

The first days

So, you might be wondering what sort of routine I'm getting into here. I would like to know this as well. Yesterday, I entered data from a phone campaign, then picked up a car, then went to get painting supplies and began painting signs, I ran around the farm a bit with Abbott, the two-year-old puppy dog who is my best friend (he has long golden-retriever hair that flops everywhere when he moves). Then I went to the feed store and had my first incident of the summer.
I was backing up the truck so they could put stuff in the back (btw, I drove a truck yesterday, first time ever!) And maybe I was put off by the pretty girl riding a horse nearby or I didn't realize that the tailgate was down. Anywhere, I gently rammed the back of the truck into the loading dock. But no worries, I didn't damage anything, just gave the people at the store a little something to laugh at me about.
I then finished my evening at a fun potluck in Augusta. So yeah, all that seems to fit together into some parts of the life I'll be living for the next 10 weeks.

Today was my first chore day. I woke up at 6 and then we spent the morning feeding the horses and leading them out to pasture. I essentially felt incompetent and decided that I would just keep up a steady stream of chatter to cover my total unpreparedness. But it wasn't hard work, just good ole manual labor.

so it's now 8:20 am EST and I'm ready for my morning nap.

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