Friday, July 2, 2010

My list of firsts (Thru pt. 1 of MaineCane)

I have now reached the half-way point of my time here. I don't want to impress people with all the things I've done, but the following is the daily updated list of all the things that have highlighted my time here so far.
So I had this list in my profile section, but that got too long so I'll try to keep this list updated throughout the summer.

drive Cadillac, -My uncle has a blue, green, purple Escalade and I got to drive
drive truck, - driving a truck is an extremely empowering experience
drive bushhog/tractor, - the most persuasive evidence that I'm slowly becoming a farm boy.
made phone calls for a campaign, - i hated it. I didn't know how to talk to people
seeing an eagle, - that was pretty sweet. Bill and I didn't know what it was until it flew by
tacking up a horse, - now this seems like old news
walking/cleaning a donkey, - won't try this again, the most obstinate beasts ever
held a rabbit, - there are two on the farm. I did it just so I could say I did.
went to a horse show, - that was an experience. horseriding as being call the most elitest word in the english language
successfully navigated a round-about, - did you know there are rules on a roundabout?
held political signs on election day, -I was hoping I wouldn't get hit by an angry voter
went to a town hall meeting, - that was fascinating. Direct democracy at its finest
bought a John Deere hat, - It's my working hat and I wear it to fit in with local worker guys
went to a municipal trash dump, - in the south we are so behind
saw a wild turkey, - i definitely didn't look like the pictures from thanksgiving cartoons
coaching a girls soccer practice, - I succeeded in keeping their attention for 1 1/2 hours!
posting on a horse, - you gotta get the rhythm of the horse
put together a horse jumping ring, - tedious but slightly creative
ran a drag harrow over a horse ring, - I was glad to help out with the actual jumping of horses
saw a horse have teeth cleaned, - she put her arm halfway into the horses mouth!! EWW
saw horse have it's shoes put on, - It smells really bed
had my gas pumped by a station attendant, - so awkward. Can I not pump my own gas?
ordered "fish and chips"- it was good while it was a generic taste but then it started to taste a lot like fish.
when to a moose hunting license lottery.- seeing about 500 men nervously waiting for their name to be called was quite an experience.
Went to a drive-in movie.- Bounty Hunter was an awful movie.
Went to both the New Balance AND L.L. Bean stores.- I love low prices
walked a dog and a horse at the same time- it was a veritable Dog and Pony show.
Got stepped on by a clydesdale. I am so glad that I have steel toed boots.
went on a trail ride with bill and emily- it took us a month, but we've finally done it.
had a bird poop on me- no worries, it was only my arm.
painted barn doors- the scraping is tedious, slow, and annoying, but the painting is extremely satisfying.
acted as a super- I've done all the clean up I've never done before: weeds, bathrooms, spackling, wiping, and, oh yeah, flea bombs.
drive a VW Bug- yeah, I know it's a mom car. Even worse for me, it has flowers next to the dash.
Drove a (bug) convertible. If a truck is like power and dominance, the convertible is pure fun and freedom.
posted on a horse-so now I can have personal experience with some of the stuff I see riders do.
picked up a yawn from a horse-and the same day (also a first) I rode on a horse with a spoon in a mouth, carrying a marshmallow in my mouth)
Being a counselor for a horse camp-the most important focus has changed from jesus communities to equine care and riding.
I've ridden Bugsy, Ivy, Jeeves, and Daisy- 4 down 8 to go.

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