Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Brilliant Moments

So since I'm not just at home sitting around, I often have my camera with me and places that I go. That has been particularly timely and wonderful in certain moments that I've been here. I'll see something that needs to be captured, I'll grab my camera, and run to wherever to get the shot snapped.
Other times haven't been visual but maybe a bit more cerebral. But whereas I do have some sudden epiphanies, mostly I have issues or ideas that I wrestle with in my mind over a period of time. So there are less singular cerebral moments that stick out, unless you count times when I suddenly realize what might be bothering me or something I've discovered about myself.

So, cerebrally, I realize that I must feel like I'm competent about what I'm doing. You might have just misread that as confident, and that is part of feeling competent, but first I have to feel capable of accomplishing some task, and then I'll worry being able to do it efficiently and well. I have a distinct ability to put myself into situations where I'll likely succeed. It means that I'm having experiences that are purposely trying to build on each other to develop distinct traits and skills. these are generally nice, rewarding experiences because I'm already on the path to success the moment I start.
Part of what I'm trying to work with on the farm is taking on tasks and responsibilities that are foreign and outside my experience spectrum. It sorta is just a chance to keep me honest/help me appreciate responsibilities that I am good at. I've probably mentioned this in previous points, but that's because the challenge has been continual, and just the other day I was realizing that my frustration for that day stemmed from wanting and needing, but not being, competent and effective at whatever that day's responsibilities. So it sure doesn't make this summer just pure vacation because A) I don't work like that and B) I always have something that I want to be improving on or developing. It's sorta in my genes.

But there have been other spectacular visual moments that are almost completely and utterly wonderful. I guess the only bad part is that they have to end. but here they are.
At any time from 8:45 to 9:30, you can walk outside in the fields under an impressive sky. I love the dark blue, and it's just comforting and quietly intense.

The first brilliant moment was a great combo of people and place. On the trail up Kineo, you have the Rafuse-Mitchell clan staring off the bluff with a storm brewing in the distance.

So I captured this with our younger camper Siara (Sierra). Shows you can have horses and dogs to play with at the same time. We might not have tv at our camp but we keep the stimulation high.

This is Elles and I playing during one of my jaunts down to Portland. We will spend hours a day playing and laughing. We get along, though I made him mad later when I told him to clean up his spill or sit down.

Not all moments are about color and texture. This is about people and a moment. Gabe and Hannah flirt all the time and she is constantly in his lap. So Hannah and I had been taking cousin pictures and so I was in the mood to just hop on in and bust up the party. This was at the horse show when there are about 5 hours to kill during the middle of the show day.

At Kineo, the wind was wipping up the waves, and we actually had to drive some people across the lake through relatively dangerous swells. It was pretty exciting. But the wind just howled over the water and set up white caps all around. So what looks like soft frosting from far away are actually pretty hefty waves that'll toss a boat a bit.

this is the most recent moment. It had been a cold morning, then a beautiful day, then a stormy afternoon, then a sunny early evening, then a rainy mid evening with the sunset beaming through as the storm clouds passed through. It was the epitome of a spectacular moment. **You must click on this to enlarge it for better effect.

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