Saturday, June 5, 2010

Party Portland

so I went to Portland yesterday to put up the signs that I had helped to paint for Libby.
That turned out to be only part of the adventure. Alex and I, with baby Elles hanging in the back seat, puttered all around Portland pounding in signs. And I accomplished an amazing feat, I helped Elles stay happy and smiling all day. So turns out Elles is not a grumpy. Really he is a very happy kid who is just tricking people for some reason. But I would just be like "Elles, don't even try that" or "Elles, are you trying to trick me?" and he would just start smiling so big. He's a goob. and he's just so damn cute. So I have broken through with him
then Alex and I went to pick up Abby from school, and she played it really cool, but hopefully she thought it was cool.
anyway, we (and by we I mean Sophie and Abby, Elles and Woody and Buzz) played on the trampoline for 2 hours. Do you know what that means? Jumping, laughing, tickling, dancing, and having an awesome time for 2 hours!
Oh, by the way, during this time, Elles had a shit ton of sweets and it was hilarious.
So then i went to James' (another cousin) b-ball game. and stuck around for an hour during the extra innings.
then it was on to Charlie's bowling alley's soft opening and holy shit it was awesome.
It's got a cool bar and restaurant that don't even feel like they're in a bowling alley. So I hung out at the table with Elizabeth and Alex, Will and Laurie for hours. and ou know who showed up? Gubernatorial candidate Libby Mitchell, proprietor Charlie Mitchell, and many more. basically, two of the biggest celebrities in Portland these days. So needless to say, I felt like I was pretty cool to be in their company.
The night ended with about an hour of bowling, and then a party with Hannah.
OMGoodness, what a full and awesome day!

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