Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Time (Schedule) to every [place] under heaven (at least that I've visited)

Time. what a strange looking word. Anyway, I digress. So in Buddhist thought, the time is always now. It is the present eternity. Well, let me tell you that that is a load of balogni because when I look at my watch in each place I've been to, the time is always a little different.

At home in high school I was asleep by midnight every night, and I would wake up at 7:45 for school. My afternoons consisted of soccer, studying, and food consumption. I'd go to bed at 1 on the weekends because my friends mostly had curfews.

In Italy, I was asleep by 11 pm, woke up at 7 am, had lunch at 3 and dinner at 10. On the weekends, which consisted of one day, I'd stay out til 2 and wake up at 10.

In college, both at Davidson and Sewanee, I'd go to sleep between 12:30 and 2 am (and never before midnight), wake up between 7:30 and 9, and do a whole variety of things in my day while eating around 12:30 and 6:30. I had the same sleeping patterns on the weekend.

In Argentina, I went to bed around midnight, woke up at 8 and walked around Bs As all day, but on the weekends things got really wacky. I'd stay out til 4 am on nights where there wasn't much to do, and I'd be home by 7:30 am on the nights where I was at a club or something, which meant that I'd wake up on the weekends anywhere from noon to 3 pm.

Now, in Maine, I go to sleep between 10 and 10:30 pm, wake up at 6, done with chores around 7:15, start other work around 8:30, lunch at noon, afternoon chores at 5, dinner at 7.

That's a lot of different schedules

So what's been really crazy about all this is that there are certain times that have now become ingrained in my mind as to how a schedule should go.
So here it goes. Because of Italy, I now think it's proper to eat lunch at 3 and dinner at 10. Because of college, you should never go to bed before midnight. Because of Argentina, you should never wake up before noon on the weekends and should stay out til at least 4. Because of highschool, you shouldn't socialize after school on weekdays. Because of Maine you should always wake up by 6 (or 6:30/7 if you want to sleep in)

So what does that look like?
M-F Wake up 6am, lunch at 3, dinner at 10, bed at 1 am: No socializing between 4 pm and 1 am.
S-S Wake up 1pm, lunch at 3, dinner at 10, bed at 5 am: Call parents when I get home (hah, joke!)

So there is my schedule combined from all the places I've lived in under heaven.

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