Friday, June 25, 2010

Top Ten: What separates Arkansas from Maine

*Note: There are no pictures in this post.

So there are plenty of stories I can tell and tangible items I can discuss. I mean, like the fact that I had three servings of beef pasta salad and veggie burgers, approx 3 pounds of food total, followed by two servings of ice cream and s'mores. (thank you, awesome metabolism). Or I could tell you about the windex, pine-sol and flea bombs that have dominated my life the last few days as I've been cleaning up an apartment. But I won't tell you any of that stuff.

No. Sadly, you'll have to endure the genius of my observations of time here. Speaking of time, that'll be topic of today's entry.
Oh quick note on things I notice in Maine.
10. The moment I say "y'all" I have to prove my sanity before allowed to continue speaking.
9. They have turnpikes where you have to pay to drive on a road. WHAT?!
8. You have to pay to drive on a road!
7. My family's schedule gives me an excuse to visit lots of cool parts of Maine.
6. They have pretty rivers, but they are so shallow that the major ones have rapids. It's low enough for rocks to show.
5. Old in Arkansas is 1850s. Old in Maine is 1750s.
4. Many people in Maine know little about Arkansas. I've been asked (twice) about alligators. Of course we do have them but I've never seen them nor do I associate them with Arkansas.
3. EVERYTHING is frickin' organic. grocery food, crops, I bet even sofas and matresses
2. There are more country rednecks in Maine than in Arkansas, but it's probably because more people live in the country here.
1. When they say "oh it's gonna be hot today." What they mean is that it'll be sunny, slightly breezy, and 85 degrees.

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