Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pile O' Shit

So, disclaimer, there is very little if anything that would I change and be frustrated about on the farm. There are pretty flowers, cool house mates, neat horses, tubular chores, yucky things, and new projects all the time.
But I do have to say that there is something that can't be described in any other manner than that it's just down right Shitty.
What I'm referring to is Lupine Farm's very own mound of defecation, which consists of that which has been dropped many moons ago and that which has been fresh just in the past few days.
(You can observe Emily here as the model for scale. She is approximately one pile of shit tall.)

So this pile is added to daily; it's where we drop off the freshly mucked horse stall droppings. You can even see the fresh stuff on the right, which is mixed in with hay and shavings, the stuff that goes on the floor of the stalls. The older, browner stuff is on the left.
Now this mound is actually a money maker. People come by to take our poop away for their own uses. It's only about $20 bucks for your own truckload, and it's free if you load it yourself.
It's also a good practice tool for me. No, I do not look and observe how poop forms and try to emulate it. That'd be not very possible. Instead, I work on my tractor skills. See, we have to "consolidate" the pile and sort of take the slopping sides, push the stuff to the top, and dump it so make everything more tall and less wide. Otherwise there'd be a softly sloped mount of poop all about the farm. So I spend about 5-10 minutes every week practicing scooping dropping, reversing and changing gears on the tractor. I think pretty soon, I'll have had a shit ton of practice (pun intended), enough to make me an adequate tractor driver.
Thank you, ye olde pile o' shit.

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